Centering Prayer

Join Us in Prayer
We meet every Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at St. George’s Episcopal Church in The Coleman House behind the main church.
What Is Centering Prayer?
Centering prayer is based on the wisdom sayings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount: “… when you pray go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. This prayer is a discipline of intentional silence when practiced faithfully dispels the illusion of separation from God. We come to know and live from the Divine Mystery within us.
The fruits of Centering Prayer reveal themselves in our daily life as we develop a greater awareness of the presence of God in every person and situation we encounter. They include increased charity, joy, peace, compassion, and self-control. God acts within us to transform and rearrange our inner life.
You can find online resources including a video introduction to Centering Prayer on the Contemplative Outreach website.
Local programs are found at Contemplative Outreach North San Diego, CONSD and Contemplative Outreach San Diego, COSD.